Rolodex - Test Script

This is a document explaining the steps to perform manual testing (i.e. manual scripted testing), starting with how to load the sample data.

Setting Up

  1. Follow the instructions with numbers labeled closely.
  2. Download the latest rolodex.jar from here.
  3. Download our sample database with more than 25 persons pre-loaded for this exercise here.
  4. Start up rolodex.jar in an empty directory and close it.
  5. You should see a preferences.json file in the same directory as your jar file.
  6. Replace the value of the key rolodexFilePath in the json file to a directory of your choosing.
  7. Place SampleData.rldx in that directory. We recommend creating a directory data in the same folder as your rolodex.jar file and placing SampleData.rldx in there. (i.e. data/SampleData.rldx)
  8. Start up rolodex.jar again. You should see the application loaded with at least 25 sample contacts.
  9. The status bar on the bottom right should correctly display the directory at which you placed the SampleData.rldx (the file you are going to be operating on).

Add Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type add n/Alice Ken p/91234567 e/ a/900, Alice Street
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type a n/Alice Ken p/91234567 e/ a/800, Alice Street
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type + n/Alice Ken p/91234567 e/ a/700, Alice Street
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type a
  2. Press Enter or click to select the add option in the drop-down list
  3. Press Space
  4. Type n/Alice Ken p/91234567 e/ a/900, Alice Street
  5. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type add and press Tab
  2. Type Alice Ken and press Tab
  3. Type 91234567 and press Tab
  4. Type and press Tab
  5. Type 900, Alice Street
  6. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type add Alice Ken 900, Alice Street 91234567
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean add n/Alice Ken p/91234567 e/ a/900, Alice Street?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + +
  2. Type Alice Ken and press Tab
  3. Type 91234567 and press Tab
  4. Type and press Tab
  5. Type 900, Alice Street
  6. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour:

Delete Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type delete 1
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type d 2
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type - 3
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type delete and press Tab
  2. Type 1 and press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type d21 durian
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean D21?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + D
  2. Type 1 and press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Edit Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type edit 1 n/A p/99999999 e/ r/Edited contact. t/edited
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Tag Toggling

  1. Type edit 1 t/edited (A should be the first contact)
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type e 1 n/B
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type change 1 p/88888888
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type modify 1 e/
  2. Press Enter

Expected behaviour

  1. Type e
  2. Press until the edit option is highlighted in the drop-down list
  3. Press Enter
  4. Press Space
  5. Type n/A p/99999999 e/ r/Edited contact. t/edited
  6. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type edit
  2. Press Tab
  3. Type 1 n/B
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type edit 1Alice
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean edit 1 n/Alice?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type edt 1 12345678
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean edit 1 p/12345678?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type edi 1 abc@efg
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean edit 1 e/abc@efg?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type dit 1 3 computing drive
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean edit 1 a/3 computing drive?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + E
  2. Type 1 n/bob
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Select Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type select 1

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type s 2

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type s
  2. Press Enter or click to choose the select option in the drop-down list
  3. Press space and type 3
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type s
  2. Press Tab
  3. Type 1
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type s1
  2. PressEnter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted “Did you mean s 1?”
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Esc
  2. Press or several times
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Email Command

Basic functionality

  1. Type email 1 s/hello
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type email 1
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type M
  2. Press Tab
  3. Type 1 s/hello
  4. Press Tab

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type mal1 hello
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted “Did you mean mail 1 s/hello?”
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + M
  2. Type 1 s/hello
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Find Command

Find by name

Exact matches

  1. Type find bravo
  2. Press Enter
Expected behavior

Fuzzy Matching

  1. Type find brabo
  2. Press Enter
Expected Behavior

Find by tag

  1. Type find friends
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior


  1. Type find friends n/desc
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

  1. Type find friends p/desc
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

  1. Type find friends p/desc
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

  1. Type find friends p/desc a/
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior


  1. Type find
  2. Press Tab
  3. Type bravo
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + F
  2. Type school and press Enter

Expected Behavior

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type findmy friends
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean find friends?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Help Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type help
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Help Window Searching

  1. Type add into the search bar located at the top of the window
  2. Press Enter or click the Search button

Expected Behavior

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type halp me
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean help?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

History Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type history
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type hisdory is a dory pun
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean history?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Type Ctrl + H

Expected Behavior

List Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type list
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior


  1. Type l
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

  1. Type show
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

  1. Type display
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior


  1. Type list p/asc a/desc
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type lost is me, Am I lost? Yes I am. Lost little lamb
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean list?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behavior

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + L

Expected Behavior

New Rolodex Command

Creating New Rolodex at Relative Directory

  1. Type new data/SampleData2.rldx or n data/SampleData2.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Creating New Rolodex at System Directory


  1. Type new C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData.rldx
  2. Press Enter


  1. Type new /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData.rldx
  2. Press Enter


  1. Type new /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Attempting to Re-Create Existing Rolodex

  1. Type new data/SampleData.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type new
  2. Press Tab
  3. Typedata/SampleData3.rldx
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type new:( data/SampleData4
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean new data/SampleData3.rldx?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + N
  2. Typedata/SampleData5.rldx
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Open Rolodex Command


  1. Please complete the section New Rolodex Command before proceeding with this section.

Opening Rolodex at Relative Directory

  1. Type open data/SampleData2.rldx or o data/SampleData2.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Opening Rolodex at System Directory


  1. Type open C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData3.rldx
  2. Press Enter


  1. Type open /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData3.rldx
  2. Press Enter


  1. Type open /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/SampleData3.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Attempting to Open Non-Existent Rolodex

  1. Type open data/SampleData4.rldx
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type open
  2. Press Tab
  3. Type data/SampleData.rldx

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type open:) data/SampleData2
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean open data/SampleData2.rldx?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + O
  2. Type data/SampleData.rldx
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Remark Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type remark 1 r/Loves to talk.
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type select 1
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type rmk 3 r/Loves to sing.
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type select 3
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type comment 3 r/Loves to jump.
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type select 3
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type note 3 r/Loves to eat.
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type select 3
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type remark and press Tab
  2. Type 1
  3. Press Tab
  4. Type Loves to swim
  5. Press Enter
  6. Type select 1
  7. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard shortcut

  1. Press Ctrl + R
  2. Type 1
  3. Press Tab
  4. Type Loves to dance
  5. Press Enter
  6. Type select 1
  7. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type rmk1 Hates dancing
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean rmk 1 r/Hates dancing?’
  4. Press Enter
  5. Type select 1
  6. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Undo Command

Basic Functionality

  1. Type delete 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo
  3. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type u
  3. Press Enter or click to select the undo option in the drop-down list
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type udon YUMMY!!! :P and press Enter
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean undo?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Press Ctrl + Z

Expected Behaviour

Redo Command

Basic functionality

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo and press Enter
  3. Type redo
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo and press Enter
  3. Type r
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo and press Enter
  3. Type r
  4. Press Enter or click to select the redo option in the drop-down list
  5. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo and press Enter
  3. Type redp
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Type d 1 and press Enter
  2. Type undo and press Enter
  3. Press Ctrl + Y

Expected Behaviour

Exit Command

  1. Type exit or quit or close or bye or esc
  2. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour

Invalid Command Suggestion

  1. Reopen the application by clicking the rolodex.jar file.
  2. Type exito
  3. Type y or yes or k or ok or yea or yeah when prompted ‘Did you mean exit?’
  4. Press Enter

Expected Behaviour


Congratulations. You have reached the end of the tests. Found any bugs? Report it at We’ll give you a cookie for finding bugs! :)



Make sure you are connected to the internet and are on a network that has port 25 open. Chances are many universities’s (ahem) networks block the incoming port and this won’t work. Solution? Use a tether. Trust us - it’s awesome!

Basic Functionality

  1. Type starwars or sw
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Enjoy!